

Production Services


Here are a few example's of programmes we have been involved with, past and present. Whilst these are mostly live multi camera events, there are many other areas of lighting we have been involved with, but do not have video examples of. A full CV is available on request. please email for further information.


Seo eisimpleirean de phrògraman anns an robh sin an sàs thar nam bliadhnaichean. Ged ‘s e tachartasan beò ioma-camara a th’anns a mhòr-chuid, tha sinn air a bhith ag obair air grunn eile cuideachd, ged nach eil eisimpleirean bhidio dhiubh air an làrach seo. Tha CB slàn ri fhaotainn. Airson tuilleadh fiosrachaidh, cuir brath gu

titp     gleusta 

cc     Trads

hog     Copycats

STV     Dannsa

Mod    utv